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How to fix Scapula Protraction? Planche Tutorial

Scapula protraction plays a crucial role in the planche; without a good position, your control will be compromised, and progress will be slow. It’s very important at the beginning of your calisthenics journey to strengthen your muscles and build a good scapula protraction position

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If you want to learn calisthenics faster and with the correct technique, I have created:

A unique 9-level Planche Training System
A 4-level Front Lever Plan, from beginner to advanced
A 3-level Basic Strength plan; if you can’t do pull-ups or push-ups, start with this plan
Plans for Beginner and Intermediate Skills
Join our unique Strong Community where you can share your videos, ask any questions, and I will provide feedback.

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  1. 🚀Train with Andry Strong Academy : https://andrystrong.com 
    ❗Try 7 Days Free Trial.

    If you want to learn calisthenics faster and with the correct technique, I have created:

    👉🏻 Unique 9-level Planche Training System
    👉🏻4-level Front Lever Plan, from beginner to advanced
    👉🏻3-level Basic Strength plan; if you can't do pull-ups or push-ups, start with this plan
    👉🏻Plans for Beginner and Intermediate Skills
    👉🏻Join Unique Strong Community where you can share your videos, ask any questions, and I will provide feedback.

  2. Thanks for this work out Andry Strong this is really helpful. It’s important that I don’t cheat my exercise so I can get stronger with my scapula muscles faster and with proper form. God bless

  3. Wher are you from brother ❤❤❤❤

  4. Does a clean planche pushup

    "see that was easy"

  5. Those learning videos are the shit bro

  6. Omg 😂 I love your example of the confused person who doesn't know what exercises to do. ❤

  7. Good video Andry. But I have one problem i can’t hold the full planche for a sec. And i can do 9 hand stand ups.

    Could it be my lower back

  8. Good work bro you should drink chocolate milk and take gear!

  9. I was training alone for a year and a half, and I was progressing without any experience, but with a rubber rope, and then I met a trainer from Egypt. I trained with him for 3 months, 6 days a week, and after that I did not benefit from him at all, and I left and met a second professional trainer from Egypt for 3 months of training, and he told me that you were exercising wrongly. Also, I did not benefit from it at all, and I saw that this sport through the Internet is all a lie, just for financial gain only. This is what I saw, and every coach tells you that the more you practice, they are wrong, and I am right.

  10. Thanks Andy for the videos. Can you recommend some exercises with weight to focus on muscles engaged in planche? I'm doing your exercises but I'm stuck at tucked planche. Can hold it for 10 seconds and have not made progress over the past two months.

  11. Andry strong: planche pushup is pretty easy☠️

  12. Скільки років намагаюся зробити планш ,але ніяк!😂😂😂😂

  13. Yessir i need this much love from Iceland ❤️🇮🇸

  14. I am your biggest fan in the World and I am also your inspiration plzz pin my comment💪💪❤❤👏👏

  15. I couldn't find any other video about strengthening scapula protraction, and this video is perfect

  16. What body fat percentage do you think you are at Andry?

  17. Exactly what I needed, thanks andry <3

  18. Can you make tutorial on pull up

  19. can u make front lever tutorial?

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