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How to Install RetroArch for SNES or NES Classic!

RetroArch in combination with hakchi2 allows SNES Classic or NES Classic owners to add even more games, this time from other platforms! RetroArch is an emulator with support for a wide variety of consoles including Genesis, PlayStation, N64, and more. It is recommended to use a Wii Classic Controller if you are going to be playing games from other platforms with this, due to the limited buttons the SNES and especially the NES have with their stock controllers.

Buy a NES Classic Here! (Affiliate Link):

Buy a SNES Classic Here! (Affiliate Link):



This video has been made with Fair Use in mind and has been created as an educational piece of media.


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Song Information
Artist: pyama
Song: red moon scherzo
Soundcloud: literalbagoftrash
Link: https://soundcloud.com/literalbagoftrash


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  1. Cheers for this, put it on my NES mini specifically for Alex Kidd in Miracle World, and Sonic the Hedgehog.

  2. My snes mini is already modded by someone else so when I tried select+start it doesn't go into retroarch… how do I add it to an already modded snes? I want to play it on my crt without boarders 😢 i can't change aspect ratio in settings

  3. When I open Retroarch in my console, I can’t do anything

  4. How can I load a GB game but on a GBC Emulator on Retroarch, anyone knows how?

  5. this video doesnt work anymore. when you drag the files across into add games, it doesnt do the same thing. any recent updates?

  6. Thank you so much, Hakchi2 CE kept saying my mini NES was rebooting too slow, and i had to use Hakchi 2. This helped me so much.

  7. Great Video. Please help me I have a snes mini I have hatchi installed. I go into hatchi and click Modules , KMFD and click KMFD retro arch install it then I go to cores and get the snes9x (this is all because I want to adjust resolution on my CRT to fit the screen in retro arch settings. Then connect snes to CRT TV hold down the 2 buttons select start etc and no menu pops up for retro arch please help me

  8. when i installed retroarch to my nes classic there are only 2 core and none for my game that are not nes games what should i do

  9. New video please this is outdated 🙂

  10. Lol i just broke my SNES Mini… Non of the Games worked then the screen turned black and the console had no more power und now i cant turn it on anymore 🙃🙃🙃

  11. hey bro, i really hope you still read your comments; after hacking games and stuff to my nes, it doesn't make sound anymore… any way to fix this?

  12. with the newest hakchi 3.9.2 which core should I use for playstation? Rearmed or rearmed HD?

  13. Anyway to get the game genie on the nes classic?

  14. One major question I have is if it's necessary to install Retroarch on my SNES Classic in order to be able to add GB, GBC, and GBA-games on to it? Thx in advance.

  15. I downloaded but can open it.
    What do i need ?

  16. love it. that n64 game also blew my mind o.0

  17. whenever i load a config file the audio just goes away completely

  18. hey mario! i kinda need your help here. i used this with hakchi ce and whenever i use it, i get a c6 error or it works and then goes back to the ui. pls help me thank you

  19. Help please! I’m struggling doing the game genie codes for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie and I don’t know why. Where do I enter genie codes?

  20. My bro tried it and games would run like garbage on the snes classic when it came to snes hacks. Do you have any idea why? And have you tested snes hacks to see if they run better through retro arch on the snes classic? Because I also noticed the input lag was far worse as well. I might try it but if it isn’t gonna play my snes hacks and improve the input delay and actually make it worse then I don’t know if I should try it on the snes classic.

    Thanks mate.

  21. Quick question is it important to have the clover app and Can I install brutal Doom or Quake on the snes classic

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