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Cloudy Pool Water: Here's how to fix it

Need more help cleaning your pool?


How to clean your pool in 10 minutes, Guaranteed!

Cleaning cloudy pool water/green pool is super easy, you just have to know the proper steps. In this quick video I show you how my swimming pool service cleans pools, so that you can clean your pool just like a professional would.

Everything you need is at your local pool store ( Pinch a Penny, Leslies Pool)

If you need more help, I put together a free pool cleaning course guaranteed to have you cleaning your pool in under 10 minutes a week:

Clean your pool faster!




  1. i put in a new filter 17 pounds of shock 4 gallons of clorine 1 gallon of acid 17 ounces of alge remover 14 clorine floting tablets in a 2 day period and still green now that was a waist !!! so now i am draing half the pool and starting over!! two bages of shocker would keep the pool clean as a whisle in the winter then now in the summer over night turned green and nothing will clear it up!!!!!

  2. I have cloudiness that sunk to bottom but when put vaccum in it spreads it around. How can i get it out after water clarifier makes it sink to bottom?

  3. I’ve never plugged my vacuum hose directly into the skimmer like that. I’ve always used one of those adaptor plates. I don’t have a main drain shut off like you though. Is it still ok to do it?

  4. Great video, great to do list, very simple to follow , so thanks

  5. Clean water without chemical chlorine swimspa hot tub theory video:

  6. I have. Small above ground that turned green and slap full of algae it’s like 10×4 so small. I put two bags of shock and a jug of chlorine. Still super cloudy.. headed to buy a vacuum now… HELP

  7. 예수는 십자가에 피흘려 죽으시고 부활하셔서 그대의 죄와 사탄과 지옥 문제를 해결하셨습니다. 예수가 그대의 운명과 재앙과 미래
    문제를 해결하셨습니다. 그대가 예수를 믿으면 마귀의 권세에서 벗어나 하나님의 자녀가 되며 천국의 모든 축복을 받아 누리게 됩니다. 예수를 믿고 영접하세요.

  8. The DE is all blowing back into my pool! I replaced all the backseat valve O-rings and it is fully closed. The filter grids are in like new condition (not that old) with NO tears. I have seated them correctly in the grid holder and tightened down the nuts. The O-ring that the grid attaches to is in perfect condition and the return tube is fully seated! What gives?

  9. Thank you for sharing. You did a good Job. I will try your recommendation.

  10. Which part of the basket do I apply the suction

  11. Lol power Vac is better. This is what you do… buy a power Vac and battery. Get some hypo granular and add about 5 pounds of shock and mix it with pool water in the bucket and use a brush that’s old and mix it and dump it in sections of the pool. And keep adding pool water into bucket of shock and repeat. Until all is mixed into the pool… also add algae treatment into skimmer closest to the equipment and add 2 gallons of liquid chlorine in that skimmer and boom your pool will turn back as long as you have the pool equipment running and also do t forget to backwash the pool before you douse the pool with hypo shock and Brush to weaken the algae

  12. Doesn’t work nothing works just lots of money spent on chemicals

  13. BS Your pool is not even cloudy and all this is common knowledge.

  14. I need to know if the power need to be on while you do all that . I bought a house & I dont know nothing about swimming pool. It was working but. All the preceding buying the house got delay. So the swimming pool everything stop working.& now it shows service needed.

  15. What's the use of flocculant chemical in the pool

  16. I cleaned the Filter, added 1 gallon of Chlorine then Ran the pump for about 6 hours…….FINALLY got it clear!

  17. Hello, I got small pool with small light blue mosaic inside. I can get clear water in the pool but the water inside the filter gets light blue colour same as the mosaic after 8 hour filtering. PH and Clorum normal and using algicide. Can you tell me the cause. Can it be the mosaic tearing apart in dust particles? Or is there any kind of algae that has light blue colour?


    Jorge Dias

  18. What about a above ground pool

  19. Liked video thanks for your help

  20. My pool is cloudy i shock and clean for 3 days in the road and still cloudy. No clear water. I balance the ph is good but the chlorine test turn orange maybe is to much chlorine I wait for tomorrow but i have not idea what to do to remove the cloudy in the pool.

  21. Really nice putting that shity filthy pump basket back in….

  22. Thankyou !!! This was very helpful , can’t wait to see more videos 🙃

  23. How much clorox do you add on a daily basis

  24. No one has ever showed me how to clean the little filter on the pump! It was loaded with crap, thanks a ton, great video.

  25. Thanks mate for helping millions like us who are stuck with cloudy pools

  26. The “S” is silent in DEBRIS!

  27. Great video, still battling with a cloudy pool…

  28. Great video, we have a 10,000 gallon pool – how much chlorine should we put in? My husband uses the shock treatment in the packet, and it never seems to get clear, but I see you use the liquid chlorine?

  29. Good video…shock until it drops

  30. Cheaper and quicker to drain the pool !

  31. Do you have a cheat sheet for swimming pools using salt chlorinator?

  32. Hi, my pool turns to green everytime i put chlorine, and it takes too long to make it clear even i put acid. What do you think is the main reason? Thanks!

  33. Great job on this video, I’ve shocked my pool, flocked my pool, clarified my pool, backwashed my sand filter, Rinsed the sand and I still have kinda green stuff on the bottom, it seems by your video I need to add way more shock that I have been and clean my filter out more

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