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HOW TO | Repair Refrigerator Door Seal

This video shows how to repair a fridge door seal on an older fridge. This happens to be a Sears Kenmore, about 20 years old.


  1. Great video – thanks so much for putting together.

  2. The video title says REPAIR not REPLACE πŸ‘Ž

  3. Thank you very much I thought it would be harder than it looked but you made it seem very easy

  4. good tip about throwing it in the drier to make it more malleable. Just to be sure though, you are talking about a tumble drier, right?

  5. patience and duct tape. I'm just saying. πŸ™‚

  6. Nice video thakn 8655448830 mumbai

  7. Patience not Patients unless you are a doctor.

  8. The video title should say replace

  9. @Thomas Collette…where did you get the seal? local store? Sears online? Amazon? Including a link to the part would be very helpful. Before you ask, I did subscribe to your channel πŸ™‚ Thanks!

  10. How many hospital patients do I need to get this job done?

  11. my new seal came with instructions to use a hair dryer at the end to soften the seal so it clings better when the door is shut. Many videos recommend this. Apart from that it was informative and easy to watch.

  12. Clickbait "replace" not repair.

  13. fuuuuuuuuuck why is people like him put on the title repair but on their video they say replace.
    fuck off you and your replaced seal!

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