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How to fix water leaking into the WC pan.

If your water bill suddenly seems rather high, this could well be the culprit. The good news is, it is pretty easy to fix.
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Many thanks Al.



  1. We have a leak into the bowl.

    At night and sometimes during the day, when its quiet around the house, every now and then, I hear a short whooshing sound as though the cistern is doing a short refill. It's intermittent at the moment because if I give the button a hard press, it seems to stop it for a while.

    The system in the cistern is a push button type but that's as far as my knowledge spans I'm afraid. The whole thing was fitted about 17 years ago. It was bought from B&Q and fitted by a plumber who has since sadly passed away, God bless his soul.

    My worry is that the siphon system might be a hybrid. Is there such a thing? Or are they pretty standard?

    Could I go to say Wolesely or Plumbits and buy a new siphon and it would fit OK? Are there different types or variants?

    I'd really appreciate your expertise and advice.

  2. This is very helpful. Thank you so much for posting. I just hope my syphon is a twist and pull one and I don't have to take the cistern off the wall …

  3. Thanks for the video, i just fix my flushing system which is same as your after watching

  4. Al, i had this exact same problem with the cistern turned out the problem was the plastic follower behind the rubber washer had cracked in two, therefore not creating a good seal, simply superglued the follower back together, problem solved. Having VERY limited plumbing knowledge, despite it not being the rubber washer I would never have thought of looking at this and finding the problem. Thank you so much πŸ‘πŸ»

  5. Thank you very much for this really useful video Sir, I've just managed to fix my leaking toilet. Much Appreciated

  6. Thank you so much, I just turned the silicon over as you suggested and bamm, working like new, no more leaks. 😊

  7. Hi I tried this turned the washer around but it’s not working what else can I try
    Thanks so much

  8. That tip of flipping the rubber seal has worked! Thanks so much for posting this. Very happy to have fixed this myself 🫑

  9. Flip the washer around. That worked! This saves so much hassle and cost. Thanks!

  10. Thank you sooooo much!πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’•

  11. thanks for putting this up

  12. Great video, helped me a lot and saved me money, I got luck with mine it was the easier one that twists off 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  13. Cheers, thanks to you I am now free of that annoying sound of my missus nagging about the toilet dripping. Oh and the plip… plip …plip… is gone as well.

  14. This was a blooming life saver! Thank you..I was worried I'd have to call a plumber. This completely solved my issue and was pretty easy to do, it just needed confidence to get on with it! πŸ˜‚

  15. Thanks, think the problem of water leaking into the toilet bowl constantly is now resolved. Mine is the push button type like the inside of your toilet. I pulled out the thing with the green push button on it and turned over the rubber washer seal which also has air bubble blisters inside it. So I will need to buy a new rubber seal thing. Fushed toilet about 30 mins ago, just waiting the hour to do the toilet paper trick. Hopefully it will stay dry. Mine has the same jade green push button thing, but the other bits and bobs inside the tank are different to what is inside yours. Inside mine there is also a overfiow pipe, and I knew there was a problem with the toilet not only because of constant water streaming down the insides of the bowl, but also because of water constantly pouring out of the gutter pipe outside into the grid. Pitch dark now to check outside in my back garden if that has stopped. No outside light and I hate it out there in the dark, creepy as heck. So I will check that much later today in the morning as it is now 1:11am. Thanks again so much for this very helpful video for us all. You are awesome. ✨

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