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How to Repair a Moen Shower Faucet Step-by-Step

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This video will show you how to repair a leaky Moen shower or bathtub. You will be able to fix this with a 1225 Moen cartridge.


  1. Is there a way to adjust the hot water? My hot water is to hot if I turn the handle left it’s cold when I turn it right it’s hot hot when I barely turn it but when I turn it all the way to the right it’s still to hot. I have the clear handle but no white piece like on yours

  2. Pin replacement and reassembly A+…Your video filled in the blanks of some others. My handle is wonky- off at 12, warm at 4, and cold at 8! But hey for an almost 59 yr old, It’s working! I survived the shower. Just thankful on a Sunday night! Took me 3, hours and a trip to Lowe’s. About $100! I’m pretty proud. Thank you. Will address the wonkiness later!

  3. I have done handyman services for 30 years. This is great information to have, even to include the part number. Awesome job.

  4. Great video. I have learned to replace my faucets in my bathrooms as everything is so expensive. I have the same problem coming from the shower stall knob. It's a Moen as well. Are the cartridges all the same size?

  5. 10yr old video. Nice. Ty for doing it and keeping it out there.

  6. LMFAO! The Allen screw is TIGHT in there !! What now!? 😢

  7. Very helpful, thanks. Everything necessary, nothing not. This is what a how-to video should look like.

  8. Thank you, our man of the house recently passed away. This was easily explained. One question, though. He had broken the handle off a plastic peg with screw was left sticking out, but he had been using pliers to turn it off and on instead of replacing the handle, and plastic was mashed down covering screw, which is the easiest way to gain access to the screw? Any suggestions?

  9. You’re the man!!! Thank you sir.

  10. where do you shut off the water in an apartment unit?

  11. Tried to remove my old cartridge but it won't budge after I pulled the clip off. I was afraid to pull too hard on it so I may have to call in a plumber?

  12. Could this ALSO be the cause of leaking from the back side of it, on the other side of the wall? ThNX

  13. Thank you very much. Tackling this task tomorrow for a few of my bathrooms and your demo is spot on.

  14. What is the shaft broken off inside their little breast tissue turn on hot and cold

  15. Thank you for your video. I had to buy an Danco Cartridge puller tool to extract my old cartridge. I first bought the extractor tool at Home Depot, but the bolt wasn't long enough, so I returned it. I then bought the same tool at Lowe's, and it immediately clamped on to worn-out 1225 Cartridge. Weird!

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