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How Much Money Do You Need To Earn To Be Happy?

There’s a link between how much money we make and how satisfied we are with our lives. An often cited 2010 study about salary and happiness found that our happiness increases up until we reach the $75,000 mark. Then, it plateaus. We spoke with top happiness experts to see how that finding holds up and to find out how much you need to earn to be happy.

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How Much Money Do You Need To Earn To Be Happy?


  1. According to many 2023 studies, In many parts of California it takes no less than 200k to support normal family. Unless you want to live in a shady neighborhood and worrying about safety and education for your kids all the time.

  2. I will say this; for half of my life I made less than $50,000 per year. For the last two years I have made over $100,000 a year! My happiness and my worry is definitely way better!

  3. Is the $75,000 number accounting for inflation?

  4. Money doesn’t buy happiness is like saying a car won’t fly in the air. It’s a completely nonsensical statement. Money is meant to buy you freedom and resources.

  5. You guys are missing the true point “financially freedom”

  6. There is not a perfect salary, when you buy stupid things 😂😂😂

  7. I don't understand why youths and adults are still poor when they have a smart phone and great opportunities on how to make money

  8. They need to do this study after our government printing trillions of dollars out of thin air and inflation is out of control.. 🤔

  9. I work full time, have just enough for rent and car payment. That doesn’t count everything else like gas, insurance, utilities and food. My mother lives with due to her health issues, she gets social security and also helps out as she can. It’s a struggle every month. It’s taking a toll.

  10. Money, I wonder where it fits on Maslow's hierarchy? lol
    oh and I love how Gary V, one of the main social media catalysts for this "money over everything" hustle, hustle, HUSTLE…….. and hustle some more mentality, just completely flip flopping. 🙂
    Being broke is No joke though.

  11. Gary does not come from humble beginning lmao

  12. Enough to not have to exploit others / the planet too much whilst having self respect (99% of humankind are turds.)

  13. Adjust that for inflation. $150,000 this year.

  14. Jonzin to be up on the jonzez .

  15. Well I feel a bit better after this video

  16. We love the freedom that having money offers. To worry about money is a huge burden no one deserves. So yes, money makes happy,because freedom is happiness.

  17. that 75k is done in 2012. with rate of inflation, you need 120kish to match that 75k happiness in 2012

  18. This discussion felt a little bit surface level to me… It just sounds like what we already heard and thought this would go stereotypically.

  19. You need a certain amount to sustain yourself and your family….

  20. Money doesn't buy happiness but it does buy a farm that can be mortgage free and can buy a car that can get you to your favorite beach and it can buy Starbucks and books, which is basically the same thing

  21. OK ok you make more money and just give it to me I'll do my part to make you happier

  22. I Don't Know. How Much Money is there?

  23. Can't take it with you, so have fun with it. I don't care how rich you are, we all have to part from it!

  24. Too much money sometimes gets you in trouble..too little will make you desperate…middle class will make you struggle..no matter how you live in this lifetime with the amount of money you have..just remember two things are fair..time and health….by the time we are done on earth…money will be irrelevant…tik tok…tik tok..

  25. People who say money don't buy happiness are just bitter that they're poor.

  26. There is this thing called Maslow's hierarchy of needs and i think when you start covering these needs one by one, you become the proverbial "happy".
    "Happiness" is just needs being met.
    Now, money can cover some of these needs, but once you progress on this hierarchy, they become less usefull.
    This is why salary is not that important once we get to a certain plateau.

  27. I live on 12 cents a day! And look at me I’m smiling 😊

  28. I don't have a number which is "perfect" to earn each year but I got a raise this year and I still can't afford to buy my own apartment. I have been saving so much each year but I'm still far away to afford it. I have about 50000 in savings but would need 100000 more to actually afford anything for a down payment. I live in Sweden so there is a big difference I assume. 

    Still wish I could buy something on my own…

  29. Lmao notice how all men interviewed here are satisfied with max around 100k but its the women with unrealistic expectations like 300k 🥴

  30. I just don't want to worry about money in my old age.

  31. Gary Vee does not deserve to be on this video 💀he's literally just a snake oil salesman 🤦‍♂

  32. " Money can't bring you happiness,
    But it can make unhappiness go away " ~ a dude

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