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How to Earn Money With Demos & Jam Games (Godot Engine + CrazyGames)

You’ve made a fun jam game or finished a demo for your indie game? Why not upload it to browser game sites to give it more exposure and even earn a bit of extra money? In this video we show you how to integrate the CrazySDK into a Godot game.

Play games on CrazyGames: https://www.crazygames.com/
Submit your game: https://developer.crazygames.com/games
CrazySDK template project: https://github.com/PlayWithFurcifer/GodotCrazySDKTemplate
CrazyGames documentation: https://docs.crazygames.com/

Thanks to CrazyGames for sponsoring this video!


  1. But im having sharedArrayBuffer problem, how can i fix it?

  2. Also, there's Instant Games Bridge plugin. It supports several platforms (including CrazyGames) and several engines (including Godot 3.5).

  3. i tried to publish my sick game to the platform and got rejected 6 times because it didnt followed the guidelines (spoiler: i followed them all) so i gave up

  4. Damn congratz on the close to 300k wishlist!

  5. I have a problem with the SDK. When ads are being played i can still play and hear my player move, dash etc,

    This is the code i use:
    get_tree().paused = true




    get_tree().paused = false

    I really would appreciate help

  6. Jokes on them, honestly! The minute I ran into this video, I got email about rejection of my 3rd game submission from CrazyGames and I low-key got furious and watched video all the way. Then it hit me, I remember these (your) voices! So I checked your YT channel and I saw that I've watched your "Something Went RIGHT" video earlier. Quickly calculated and found out for at least 6 months, you've made barely €200 from that Kill-BOI game – which i liked the game very much. Seeing that somewhat relieved me, since I saw it simply doesn't worth my efforts to get in there πŸ™‚ I initially got curious about CG because of a success story (that spider doll game) and now I realize for my skills & intended games, web thing is simply waste of time. Thanks for video tho and congrats to sponsorship.

  7. But im having sharedArrayBuffer problem, how can i fix it?

  8. But im having sharedArrayBuffer problem, how can i fix it?

  9. After Google Play changed the rules that it requires 20 testers to publish any app 😒, this video is very helpful Thanks guys, youΒ are awesome. πŸ˜‡β€

  10. Its really annoying that Godot 4 isnt web optimized. CrazyGames does not accept Godot games made in Godot 4. It would also be helpful if CrazyGames would respond to their emails.

  11. Thanks very much for this.

    I have been thinking on how to do something with multiple APIs ex. Steam and Epic Games Store. I am really going to look at adding my demo to crazygames too as the more eyes the better!

    I am going to have to see how I can easily add/remove the Steam API stuff.

    I am curious how much longer they will need for Godot 4 API stuff as that's where I"m working!

  12. Will try it out, thank you very much Furcifer!

  13. Amazing ✊🏽 βœ…βœŒπŸΌ

  14. I can't wait to release my games, just want people to enjoy them.

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