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Key Repair Audi Flip Remote HOW TO FIX

This video will show you how to fix problems with Audi Remote car keys. This key had the button pad missing. We see a lot of these with broken springs and keys that don’t flip out. This video will show you how to swap the electronics into a new case.

To buy the key opening circlip pliers that make opening the key easy, click the following Amazon link https://amzn.to/2ZvvSzl

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  1. why not just transfer the cut key blade over into the new keyfob housing ?

  2. I've got a key that has stopped working, before it stopped working I'd have to press the buttons several times before it either unlocked the car or locked it. After some time it eventually stopped working, I changed the battery and the light on the key lights up but the buttons don't unlock or lock the door. I've tried syncing the car back up with the key but it won't work. I feel like its a board issue so bought a replacement key with board. Will it be a case of just moving the transponder chip into the new key fob?

  3. What size and name of the screws?

  4. For cutting the key blade, an auto locksmith can do it with a 3mm metal drill bit in a pedestal drill. I had a locksmith try to tell me it requires a lazer cutter and that he would only do genuine Audi keys which he himself supplied. Tried to say Ebay keys have metal which damages the lazer cutter. Complete muppett trying to rob the unsuspecting car owner.

  5. Absolutely great video thanks bought a spear key of scrap yard desolder a faulty button solder the good one onto my key swap over the button press and good as new an love the trick how to get it to spring open thanks very much

  6. What do I do if my key blade won't come out when I press the button? I sometimes have to pry it open, which makes me worry that I'll get stuck somewhere unable to use my key.

  7. the old case could be use a spare key, along with the cut key

  8. not glue use double sided thin tape or double sided tape to make a wall n pin down ,,

  9. You know there are 3 screws that you broke when you forced it with the pliers right? are you effing kidding me

  10. 0:57 that was NOT "nice and easy" :))

  11. gluing the immobilizer chip with epoxy… this will help the next one who will try to pull it out 🙂

  12. Hi there, great video
    Where did you find the RF transmitter?

  13. Shouldve watched the full video before destroying my old case haha thanks very much..

  14. you are an idiot, you broke the key!!!

  15. You really should emphasize that this is DESTRUCTIVE to the old case.

  16. Hi. I just bought an old A3, the car is great, keys are pretty horrible. I was going to try and swap the innards into new (non-genuine) cases, I just want to keep the blades from the old keys rather than getting new ones cut (will they just fit into the new case?). Also, is there any danger that this process will render the "new" keys unusuable? In other words, by taking them apart is it possible that the car will no longer recognise them?

  17. On my Audi key, when i press the button it takes a long time for the key to flip up rather then flipping up quickly. How can i fix this ? They key is practically brand new, the car is only 3 weeks old and the key just started doing this

  18. You could also reuse the old blade if you are not using the original case anymore.
    Saves finding someone to cut the new Blade.

  19. So don't unscrew the screws at the start just rip it open and then you drop the sensitive part like 3 times not the best TBH.

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