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How to Repair a VHS Tape – Video Tape Repair

How to repair a VHS video tape. For step by step instructions with photos, check out our blog post at: http://www.dvdyourmemories.com/blog/how-to-repair-a-video-tape-a-vhs-repair-guide/


  1. Nicely done. Thank you for the helpful step-by-step guide—as well as the important reminder that we're only fixing it so it can then be copied.

  2. A video 11 years old just helped me save some really cool memories. Thank you for the help.

  3. THANK YOU!! You just saved my beloved duran duran tape 🧡

  4. Very helpful, thank you! Just fixed a Disney World tape from 1994.

  5. Fix my tape I was watching Siege 1998 vhs

  6. You’re a life saver thanks to this I successfully fixed a broken vhs tape and recovered some forgotten childhood memories from 2011 that I forgot about I broke the tape about 4 years ago when a broken vcr chowed it and snapped the tape there was a lot of damage but thanks to this video I cut out the bad part of the tape and fully recovered it and hadn’t watched it since 2011 until now thank you so much it would have been lost if not for this.

  7. I'm merrily using a ClearClick device to digitize some 1980s videos when one broke on the rewind – full of memories from that year. 5 minutes with your video and ALL WAS SAVED! THANK YOU a million times over! Worth even seeing my 80's hair at graduation. 🙂

  8. Thankyou thankyou thankyou..
    Very useful video..
    Fayaz.. India.. 7.9.2023.

  9. thank you so much, was ripping old shows from the 90s and the tape was broken, you just saved my project 🙂

  10. Thank you so much,you saved the only tape with my grandparents I have!

  11. Do we really have to cut a piece of the VHS tape off? I'm afraid if I cut it, it will take away some of the video

  12. ok, you can do this… you can do this… focus, Al

  13. Will this work on the smaller VHS tapes as well? I think they are called VHS-C

  14. Never use scotch or sellotape as overtime this can degrade and go stick causing damage to both tape and vcr

  15. I used to repair them all the time in the 80’s, this a great refresher, thanks

  16. Where does the very end attach too. I have all of the tape on one side. How do i get it back to the other side. Does the end attach somehweee ?

  17. thant you very much for this practical presentation, i need how to do, because i ve got some trouble

  18. I did this but you may lose a piece of video your watching.

  19. This was really helpful! Many Thanks!!

  20. Wait i thought if you touch the tape the video on the tape goes bad

  21. Hello Sir ! I'm french and I managed to repair my VHS tape. Thank you very much !

  22. Thank you dear Sir! The key part about that spring was crucial.. it went flying, so I took one from another blank tape, worked great. Now I can watch my Dad and I play in his band from 1993!

  23. Would it be too thick if you taped from both sides? Thanks, great vid! 🙏

  24. I have a tape that forwards & rewinds fully but when I press play the timer is stuck at 0:00:00, how can I play the tape?

  25. Thank you so much sir best tric best video

  26. Keep trying, idiots. Trump watches his step or mispronounces a single word in a two hour speech and it's suddenly a symptom of dementia, but over and over Biden can wander about the stage looking for the exit and that's totally OK. Confirmation bias in action.

  27. Hey all. Just a heads up – cutting the label is not necessary! I just disassembled and reassembled a tape completely by just "folding" the label when I opened the tape. It keeps the two halves close to each other which might make it a tad bit trickier to work on, but you do not need to cut the label if it's important to you!

  28. Thank you SO MUCH! Very clear instructions and I rescued a VHS with such precious memories on it that I thought were lost forever. I'm very grateful that you posted this

  29. Done something like this years ago on vhs tape, its tricky getting the line up of each end of the vhs tape onto the scotch tape but as stated in this video have to be careful when taking apart the vhs tape that no parts scatter or comes out of the roller paths, I actually have two mini dvd vhs tapes I have to fix more tedious then the big vhs tapes but wanting to use more durable repair tape can get on ebay don't like using scotch tape being its very easy to snap or rip again.

  30. This video is VERY helpful and VERY well done! Thank you! I was able to repair 2 very old tapes and then digitize them. Thank you for helping me to be able to save these memories.

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