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Diablo 4 has Major Problem with Alts and How to Fix i: Suggestions / Feedback for Season 3

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Diablo 4 has Major Problem with Alts and How to Fix it : Suggestions / Feedback for Season 3

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  1. As somebody who doesnt get a chance to play as much as many despite trying to keep up, id even be fine with like end of battle pass pick any unique you would get as a maxrolled version, that way you atleast can save some time grinding on finding that better version of the unique you want or need. I also wish the trade system was more open cuz outside of few gems, pacts, or base gear to toss to somebody on a new alt build to help them get goin i havent traded anything

  2. We should be able to level glyph sockets and not individual glyphs. This would enable people to try out different builds. I've gone from Blood Surge to Blood Lance to Infinimist and now Bone Spear. That's a ton of glyphs that have been wasted because I can't use them on a new build.

  3. Season Journey should include one selectable Uber unique. This is like D3 season journey, you get one whole class set after completing chapter 4. The class set is just like the build defining Uber unique, well, not so build defining in D4, and not even that level of power.

    Aspects should just be in codex. I hope they are working on it and push out asap, it’s the major inventory nightmare.

    Glyphs and seasonal contents should be account wide, it’s just like legendary power in D3. It’s just so ridiculous to have to do all the stuffs that only works once all over again, and super frustrating and annoying and painful and shitty to do again, like any story telling, like the campaign or seasonal quest line, or just the glyphs.

    We need to have a system to work toward a Uber unique other than killing Uber Duriel, like the primordial ashes by salvaging useless primal gears in D3. Make endgame bosses drop unique shards to craft uber uniques. Like 100 shards to craft one Uber unique, these endgame bosses drop 1 each time. It’s much better to know that at least we know we will get an Uber unique after enough kills, instead pulling the slotting machine.

    Trade probably should be limited non endgame items, because.. blizzard never did a good job at preventing duplicating items.

  4. Some good points here, that said I honestly think the levelling speed is not that bad, my sorc is over 90 now without me really noticing it.

    Waypoints etc I agree with I did not mind at first but agree it offers nothing other than a 45 seconds running on my horse just an annoyance.

    Gems i do not even bother with until endgame 99.9% of the time and the ones indo get i throw away.

    The slot machine I think has to stay its fundemental though should only be for those golden ticket items nothing that makes or breaks a build.

    Coming from a old guy with a 9-5 I have 2 mid levelled rogues, 100 druid, 96 sorc and 35 necro, considering i basically had to do full renown this season its been ok for the levels.

    Glyphs though yea I hate them, waypoints same and the seasonal quest 5th time round boring – small tweaks needed but close 😃

  5. Hey Slaydra i just applied to your clan im very active and have 4 lvl 100 toons!

  6. Honestly loved all these ideas, the devs definitely need to up their game somehow because there’s just too many features working against someone making alt characters as it sits now. I’ve been at L100 for a while now and I’ve been doin the Uber unique grind, but it’s not fun lol. By the time I get the Shako, like what can I really do with it? MORE nm dungeons? Meh. I finally just decided to stop trying and def not making an alt and having to redo all the dumb stuff again which is a huge time waster. It’s just not fun to play now, it’s all more of the same sadly.

  7. I will never stop being amused at people who will, in the span of a few minutes, profess to hating "pay to win" aspects of games but then say they want completely free trade. My brother in Christ, if you're paying another player items, in game currency, or actual cash for power/advancement in the form of items, you're still paying to win. You're just not paying the publisher/developer of the game.

  8. Why in softcore when you die do you restart wherever it wants to put you? Why can't we have like in d3 revive (a) at checkpoint (b) corpse or (c) town

  9. Free Uber Uniques. Lol. Trow away this shit dude … This shit game is casual enough.

  10. U should be able to teleport to every dungeon.

  11. That’s not the worst of it. I switched to hc and i can’t even access the smouldering ashes bonuses, I have to redo all the renown and the lilith statues and the map is all but covered in the fog of war.

  12. i got my sorc to 100 first only because i didnt play s1 and in preseason i never finished renown. I did all renown and did blood harvest pretty much through the diff levels to t4 and finished the hunter board. After that got in boss rotations… started a necro and realized … omg i gotta redo the strongholds on each toon? yes there are easy but once you get to the 4th alt it get repetitive and turns ya off. I agree about the gems feel lacking. Like d2 and that psn gem.. the skulls kept one alive in hc as well lol i mean with the uniques… i got a ton of my sorc that could be used on alts some locked to 60 others to 80 its that 60-70 range on an alt im seeing a major fall off. but once 70 it takes off again… that potion level up gap, gem gaps. and i have to relevel glyphs on each toon…. id also like to point out because i had to finish renown (my fault i know lol) when it came to my alts i messed up and had to get each alt to 25 just to even use apsects due to me doing all the dungeons on my sorc that was a major slow down due to my alts couldnt do one to get that one aspect to unlock the codex next season all is well though lol oh and the storage space… with my sorc i was good.. even my necro but the rogue and barb it begain ok but a nightmare… blow through t2 and get to t3 to unlock the chests in blood harvest for all sacreds then realize i got no room in storage lol oops i do wish we could get just one special tab designed for each toon … then the rest are general tabs. the legendary and higher temp tab only holds 10 items, wish they could bump that up… doing 3 events back to back in blood harvest fills ya inventory and that stash pretty much instantly at times ive seen a blood hunt event go 5 times back to back.. so many elites because i think each person there gets their on elietes and own blood seekers. over all its a good game now i feel, just no with alts soo much

  13. Yep, great points Slaydra. There is a lot they could do to help out with Alt leveling especially when Seasons are only for a couple of months at a time.

  14. Looking around at the current AAA games I feel like gaming in general has massively devolved!! Prices have massively jumped compared to the content that is received.

  15. Getting mats for vashan is ridiculous!!

  16. I have a bunch of alts I’m always looking for ways to get faster at leveling them. Sadly the devs hate power leveling but I play so many characters I have to find short cuts or I’m never going to get leveled.

  17. these are issues on a main toon with alternate builds, let alone alternate characters.

  18. It might be out of the topic of alts. But why there is no Party Finder doing end game bosses. Its so much easier if there is rather than chatting in game looking for one or in Discord.. its so much easier just to press one button to find party.. and Doing it with the party reducing the required mats because youre doing it other players.

  19. I agree with your points and ideas. Crafting would be awesome if added to the game. As in crafting your Uber uniques instead of relying on rng. I have to say, rng sucks esp if it’s only 2 percent. I don’t have time for this in my life. The reg uniques are perfectly fine since they are easily attainable now. But Uber uniques would be cool to grind material to craft. Even if it takes forever to grind, at least I know I’ll eventually get one.

  20. Agreed… diablo 4 has too many chores and gems are not impactful aside from supplementing resistances.

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