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How to Fix a Slow Bathtub Drain

Is your bathtub draining slowly? It happens pretty often due to hair and other foreign objects that get stuck in your drain. We show you how to fix it yourself as part of our Do It Yourself series.

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  1. I've been using that little "plastic snake" for year, so there were two things I liked about this video – the diagram near the end of how the pipes are connected, and your measurement of how fast your tube drains with 5 gal of water.

    I just finished snaking my tub after I noticed it seemed to be draining slow. I'm going to measure how fast it can drain 5 gal and compare to your 33 sec time. Thanks!

  2. I can smell this from here

  3. Hey isn't this like common knowledge? I guess there might be few select people who may not know that if you have hair it's going to eventually clog that hole ring in the bottom of your tub. However thank you, (so glad to be not one of them)!

  4. What if you did this and it's not clogged but you having the same problem though?

  5. How would you adjust the drain weight?

  6. My plug is stuck in the gooseneck and I've been unable to navigate the snake into it. Slow draining but stubborn.

  7. 🥰Gross but thank you! I don't want to pay a plumber 😅🥲

  8. How is it that this is the first time that someone has actually thought to Simply put together the drain assembly and hold it up to show us the path. That's very very helpful for people who are visually and spatially oriented. Absolutely crucial period subscribed and I'll be back

  9. Thank you. 👏👏👏👏


  11. Now you know where the cat went! Lol

  12. I need to do this but it’s just so disgusting so I’ve been ignoring the problem.

  13. It totally worked for my home. Thanks a lot!!

  14. Just if some day read my comment, I'd like to know what else I can do when the drain, the over flow is completely clean but it doesn't drain fast enough.

  15. Good one. I would have just tried to remove the plug using the knob.

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