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How to Repair a Cracked Windshield with Rain-X Repair Kit

https://mikesinventions.etsy.com https://paltap.me/MikesInventions
How to fix a cracked or chipped windshield using the Rain-X repair kit from WalMart, or any major auto store. I use the Rain-X windshield repair kit to fix a spider in my windshield caused by a rock. This was my first attempt at repairing a windshield, and you can see how quick and easy it is to do it yourself.


  1. Most of the videos I see are spider cracks, or bullseyes or whatever, where the crack is contained to the diameter if about a nickel or so. Most of the cracks I notice on most ares are the line cracks that are usually pretty long. I don't really see anyone doing videos on those. That's what I have at the moment. I used a different kit on it, and I guess it's kinda better, but it's not the improvement I was hoping for. I wonder if there's any kit that works well on those kinds of cracks cuz I'd like to try it out.

  2. Good video. Thanks, Doogie Howser.

  3. Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgvvvgvvvgvvvvgvvvgvvvgvvvvvvgvgvvvvgvvgvvvvggvvvgvvgvvgvvgvv

  4. No inglesh….en castellano please

  5. next purchase … dent puller for hood.

  6. nice tutorial, https://crackeraser.com/ windshield repair kit is also one kit I'll recommend I already used it and so far it is holding well.

  7. It works all I have now is a pin size mark, take your time, stay out of sunlight. Do it 2-3 times or more, I covered it till next day then I pulled it out in the sunlight.

  8. Thanks Mike, That was a really helpful little video. Also, love the vote of confidence for the product "Where did it go…. I think it was right here…" about the crack

  9. How many times can you use the one kit ? I have 3 chips. Thanks for the detailed video.

  10. Hiya! You should definitely make a referral link to this item! I wanted to buy one but had to google it myself.

  11. you should apply resin again before using the film & than, after 20 minutes in the sun, pill off the film & use the razor.

  12. Brought the kit. Read thru the supplied instructions and I viewed ALL all the available videos. My results were slightly disappointing. I attempted to repair a 'bullseye' chip slightly smaller than 1/4 inch in diameter. I ended up doing the process twice. I then followed it up with just putting a small drop then placing the little clear sheet, then using the blade to 'squeegee' the fluid evenly into the area as per the instructions. I made sure to allow these attempts to sit in full sun for at least an hour. I did not get the results I had expected. I am going to try 'buffing' the area with a small buffing pad on a small angle grinder using polishing compound to see if that helps. My guess is, I will be glad if my results, at best, prevents the chip from 'spider cracking'; which is a good thing in itself.

  13. I got a chip on the windshield on Monday now there's a crack about 7 inches, can I still use the repair kit on the windshield ?

  14. Why says it's a crack when its only a knick.

  15. I'm gonna try this, the shop I ought my windshield from sold me a previously repaired one apparently and has since vanished from the face of the earth.. it's got a crack in it and the filament is coming out

  16. Worth buying! I had a large crack about 8 inches that split two directions after very cold weather this winter. Although not perfect, this kit made the crack almost invisible. I slightly modified before using… although it may seem crazy, you need to make two endpoints by drilling part way into the glass on the ends of the crack. By doing so, it will keep the crack from being able to spread further. You can use this product without drilling.

    PS : I recommend buying this product from https://atamazing.com/collections/trending-products/products/windshield-repair-kit?variant=20411854585967 , it costs 19,95$ with free shipping. It's from where i got mine.

  17. One thing about these kits you need to back the plunger to pull air out of the break. If you see dark areas in the chip that means you did get all the air out of the breaks.
    He back the plunger but he did let it sit for the air to be removed. I bet he didnt do the repair right.

  18. I want yr contruct nambar pls

  19. Any luck in colder, cloudy weather?

  20. why the fuck do you idiots call this a crack… this is a chip

  21. will the removal of excess resin with the blade add stretches to the glass?

  22. Thanks for being my guinea pig! You just saved me most of my deductible. SafeLite probably isn't happy with you, though. Mike

  23. This guy sounds exactly like Linus from Linustechtips

  24. Awesome video. Better spend a little more money for a better camera.

  25. this isn't a crack, its a chip FFS

  26. Awesome product, but for the love of all things humane, learn how to use a Razor Blade! That was literally Cringe Worthy

  27. How did you fix the dent in your hood from your knee?

  28. Didn’t feel like reading the directions because I learn better by watching. Thanks for sharing! It’s guys like you that make it possible for guys like me… 😁

  29. If I do this under the Florescent Tube lighting in the garage. Would it be trying to cure before I could get finished?

  30. keep in mind, it doesn't work if it's near an edge… you can't get all 4 suction cups down

  31. Thank you for posting this video. I got a quote from Safelite for $110 for a little nick on my windshield. Crazy! I’ll be attempting this instead. Great and quick demonstration.


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