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DIASTASIS RECTI: What it is? How to Fix it?

DIASTASIS RECTI: What it is? How to Fix it?

What is diastasis recti? How do you know if you have it? And how to fix it?

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Shot at CrossFit Elviria, Andalusia, Spain: http://www.crossfitelviria.com
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  1. Thanks for the great feedback everyone!
    After getting a lot of comments and requests, we now have our app available: Diastasis Recti Fix!

  2. Is this similar to rib flare?

  3. My wife's is 8cm will she need surgery to fix hers?

  4. I'm wondering , do you know any way to stop the body from trembling on a muscle stretch or strain? Since like 12 yo got this problem and even neurologists have no idea what's this and think it's from emotions even if I'm a chill guy. I can lift some pretty light weight and still start trembling, same with some soft stretching. I can't keep any techniques cuz of this and it's just sad . Also I tried yoga, massage, relaxation exercises and some other practices but still trembling like hell

  5. She looks like she wants to rip his head off. Wow

  6. How should you be breathing throughout all of these movements?

  7. I just have to say, good on both these beautiful women for obviously taking care of, and pride in themselves both before, but especially after having children. So many young women, many younger than these two ladies, and with no children yet, are between 50-100 pounds overweight(some more) already, and put on at least another 50 if they ever have children. We live in a sick sick degenerate world that only seems to get worse everyday. 😞

  8. While watching this video, I was simply walking on the treadmill. I practised step 1 while walking and released it after a minute of tension and it clicked, my back pains came from this! I’ve had this my entire life.


  9. 'Work on your stability and don't be lazy!'
    Words to live by.

  10. Damn, why hasn’t my dr or physical trainers ever addressed this for me after pregnancy. I didn’t want a tummy tuck yet and I had severe back pain. I guess quality of care for this after pregnancy is down to luck.

    Now that back is completely wrecked, I found a pt that knew what to do. I had no idea that this was the cause.

    Thanks for the exercises. I wish I got sent home with understanding and exercises after baby or something. It could have saved me years of pain.

  11. really helpful and clear help tp correct this!

  12. What of those that have worn the belts after delivery prior to doing the exercise. What are they going to do?
    Secondly, how long does someone expected to statt seeing changes having started the exercise

  13. Well, now I know, and how to fix the problem. Thank you.

  14. Can it be fixed after 4th pregnancy?? I did not know about this till now … now im pregnant and i wondering if these exercises will help me 2.😢

  15. Wow.Will this help reverse sciatica? I have a mom belly. still look pregnant…You also explained how I have back pain too with carrying all this stupid belly fat🤨😑🤔😳

  16. I've had it from extreme sibo after disc herniation surgery. inner muscles were not working and intense pressure was in my insides. One day when i was sitting in the car, the pain was like as if something is tearing up in my abdomen like a zipper it was going forward from up to down . after the occurence when i wake up the nezt morning, a lower belly pouch settled in! a never ending pouch to a formerly flat stomach!

  17. My son is now 26. I am 59. I have a large belly still. Surgery was not recommended

  18. After 2 C-sections, and at 61, I have no hope of looking as good as the models but I have to at least try to work on my abdominal wall – but I truly don’t see how I can change decades of diastasis recti without surgery.

  19. Hola, soy Silvia y vivo en España 🇪🇦, y te agradecería, si pusieras traducción en tus vídeos para entenderte mejor, gracias 👍

  20. What about people who have had older kids and have not worked on this area before.

  21. omg that was the part i was missing from everyone else explaining it. to keep focusing on it. i have noticed sometimes when im training if it gets too repetitive too often i start spacing out and stop minding my movements properly. right. it makes so much sense. also i havent been doing enough of all of these all my life wow

    thank you

  22. This happens to everyone if they don't control it

  23. i have no idea what to do.

  24. I wanna see this taught on somebody with little more fat around the abdomen.

  25. I used to think the Dr messed my c section up it do look like an alien coming out 😂😂😂

  26. This is so great! Spot on. What a genuinely sweet man!

  27. I had major abdominal surgery when I was 13. My spleen was removed. I now have this pooch above the scar that will not decrease our change. Can you help?

  28. I feel like I have it cause there’s a lump down the middle of my stomach when I do sit-ups but I’m skinny fat so idk. I can’t tell.

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