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New Way to Bypass AI Detection (Guaranteed) ✅

This video will show you how to bypass every ai detection tool, including Originality AI. It’s taken a lot of time and testing, but this rewriting method works 100% guaranteed at the time of doing this video.

👉 Try Undetectable: https://jasonwest.com/undetectable

👉 Ultimate directory of ChatGPT AI detectors: https://chatgptdetectors.com/

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  1. you could also just like, not be shitty at whatever it is you're doing and not have to cheat and apply a.i. to do your job/ work for you. seriously sad seeing channels and videos like yours exist

  2. can you make make video turnitin

  3. will this bypass turnitin?

  4. Hey, Jason West, please please please please create a video about damn Copyleaks, many copywriters lost their job because of this shit! this tool has many mistakes and when you put a whole header in this, it says, AI detected and take a RED highlight over whole of this. after that, if you give it a paragraph or maybe delete the header title, it says, It's ok and human written without any RED highlight
    I can give you some articles to help you do it faster. thanks man 🌹🌹

  5. Thanks Jason for saving my Academic future

  6. CogniBypаss hаs been such а help to me! It allows me to bypass Turnitin check and It also gives me the opportunity to preview Turnitin report through their bots.

  7. Hi does this method still work?

  8. So in theory you could tell chatgpt to write an essay to you, then take that text to undetectable AI and then write the text from undetectable AI in a document and hand it in for high school/collage assignments without getting in trouble?

  9. I'm watching this video not to learn how to convert AI articles into undetectable articles, but to take my ACTUAL WRITTEN ARTICLES and turn them into essays that won't be flagged by my school's AI detection. It's so frustrating. If you're even BARELY on the spectrum, they just assume you're AI.

  10. AI detectors are notoriously inaccurate. Even the best ones can flag literate human writing as AI. It’s kinda annoying.

  11. Use the AI as a reference and make the essay into your own image. It wook me a couple hours to write essay with sources. When compared to days beforehand.

  12. have you found a way a free alternative? or perhaps found a way for undetectable a.i to be free?

  13. Wow, the best I've ever seen, thanks!

  14. Here we go again as humans trying to stop something that it’s going to be vital to our day to day life’s trying to preserve instead of evolve smh great vid man !

  15. Anyone else using CogniBypass for their papers? It's been a game-changer for me, especially with the Turnitin report checks. Curious about others' experiences!

  16. Just learn to write the stuff yourself.

  17. I have used undetectable AI, but there's a serious issue with its generated content. The content it provide has a lot of grammatical mistakes. If you fix them the content will appear AI content on originality. However, with those mistakes, originality can't detect the AI content.

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