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How to Fix Your Squeaking Floors

From beginner to pro, we have all your answers to quiet those floor squeaks!



  1. What if the plywood under the carpet is glued down? Isn’t previous nails or screws where the plywood comes together ontop of the studs

  2. Have you ever heard about concrete bases pouring before doing a wooden-laminated flooring on the top?? I thought the west finally learned how to do it right from eastern Europe where nobody heard about squeaking floors those days but it seems you keep repeating the same mistake as Brits who obviously don't know how to build the house..

  3. Like the video, however, what pro uses vise grips to tighten a nut? πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

  4. Me living in an apartment….

  5. I did like the idea of not using the vac after using talc😁

  6. Powdered asbestos stops the squeak every time.

  7. Baby powder fix is a joke,it don't work plus it's unhealthy.

  8. Uses vise-grips to tighten nut? πŸ‘Ž

  9. AWESOME!! Exactly what I needed to know. Thanks a lot πŸ‘πŸ’₯

  10. Who the dicks uses vise grips for a nut? Especially when on TV….

  11. Is adding the small block of wood method good if theres gap between the subfloor and joint? There's nails in the middle between the joints not attached to anything for some weird reason and I believe that's what's causing most of the squeaks

  12. Phillips head screws and a set of fucking vice grips? No thanks buddy.

  13. I did it too. This is what I used Woodglut designs for

  14. Thanks. I’m going to try the glued wood cleat.

  15. The baby powder method should not have even been mentioned because it's just flat out stupid.

  16. Man that stuff will give you floor cancer.

  17. fast forward to 6 years today and now know that was in a way putting more asbestos in the house 6 years ago!!! 😬

  18. Ok so I got a question then. My bedroom floor is noisy so its alone the middle like this guy is showing. So the noise is from the nails. Right? Well in my floor its particleboard and with big staples so my brilliant idea was to pull all the staples out, no metal no squeaks rightttt…. nope still same amount of noise so I throw a screw one by one to see if it helped sadly I have failed again. Cant go under the house it's a double wide everything under is black plastic and insulation. So what do I do

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