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What’s happening GameTime Crew!
In today’s episode, I am going over how to AFK Grind!
1.First click this link to download Tiny Task: https://bit.ly/3i6jrFs
2.After you click this link click the green Download button
3.Once the Winzip window pops up click the “No thanks, Continue to download Tiny task button” at the bottom
4.Then click the “Free Download for PC” button
5.After Tiny Task Downloads Launch the program and click back on Southwest Florida…be sure to Grind out the Fintech job as you earn a ton of money from this job when you’re at the highest position
6.Now that Tiny task has launched select the Prefs button, Screwdriver, and wrench icon
-Select continuous playback
-Check always on top
-Change Recording hotkey to F8
-Change playback hotkey to Print Screen
7.Now that tiny task is setup you can begin to record your AFK task by clicking the recording hotkey, in this case, F8
8.Walk in a circle using W, A, S, D while moving the mouse.
9.Press F8 once again to end the recording.
10.Now you can press the playback hotkey, in this case, Print Screen
Let Tiny Task do its magic overnight and enjoy the money a few hours later!
To end the playback just press the playback hotkey!


  1. Guys! Be sure to check the description. I put together some detailed instructions….and NO I didn't buy money I literally let my computer do this from 4pm-7am so for about 15 hours it did its thing. the power of editing! seems instant for you but its not.

  2. Tinytask broke Rn… for some reason it brakes down and it skips the part where it says skip is like to download but how this Started was when I was trying to open it last night and didn’t open so I went to sleep I woke up then I tried to find the problem I got a problem under control finally then I put it out to my desktop and then it doesn’t work… So then I tried it for a third time not saying it was a big deal I clicked it I saw no box so it skipped the part where it asked for it to add it in Indy file so I’m mad Rn

  3. how do you stop that program moving your mouse and keyboard

  4. Bruh you really helped me

  5. My dude u helped me alot l got like 400k and got to 600k+ thx my dude we really appreciate it

  6. Mobile players watching this :👁👄👁

  7. I can’t do afk it’s complicated

  8. omg it works thank you kyle i was been risking it FOR MORE THAN A MONTH XD i felt like i won 1 mil when it was not a virus

  9. i love you so much i am crying right now

  10. Shoot I dont have a PC or Computer I have Mobile RIP

  11. You are the best person ever. I honestly hope some girl gives best head in the world

  12. Do you have a method for mac?

  13. does tiny task work for macOS?

  14. I'm on PC, but his didn't work for me. I pressed F8 and TinyTask started recording but then I couldn't move the character around in the game. It only does it when I minimize TinyTask but how do I keep the character moving?

  15. I'm a huge fan I have been watching since 1 year can you send me robux and add me in roblox Username is TheGreen_373738

  16. Nice vid kyle. btw does it work on mac?

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