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How to repair a surfboard using solarez UV cure resin.

It is not hard to fix the tail of your surfboard. After you watch this step by step video you will have the info, you need to fix your own board and save money and time so you can surf more! Wahoo!!!


  1. Really cool and mellow vid

  2. you've got such a great chill vibe – thanks man!

  3. Yer, nah, use a UV light you can repair day or night and don't have to walk outside risking another ding and you have to use resin tint otherwise U end up with dodgy looking clear opaque piece of resin where the foam should be

    Peace out

  4. Excellent video man. Thank U very much for the perfect tutorial

  5. Yo tengo un secreto o una alternativa de reparar un tabla epoxica

  6. Haber si no hubiera sol como harían para que seque la mezcla tengo entendido cada fisura que reparan una tabla epoxica tiene que sacarlo al sol ? Explicación por favor

  7. Man, this is so relaxing to watch.

  8. I am sure that you will find good way to make it on woodprix Webpage.

  9. Check woodprix instructions if you'd like to make it better and cheaper 🙂

  10. Awesome video thanks!! You seem happy doing this job, thats cool. Gave a like and subscription for the enthusiasm and more helpful posts. Thanks!

  11. hi bro, cool video. I got a beat up surfboard from my brother, and i bought this epoxy repair kit to try and fix it up. Can you use this stuff on any kind of board?

  12. Solarez has millions of fiberglass fibers are thoroughly wet out and evenly dispersed in every dose.
    Solarez is clear, non yellowing mixture of high strength, chop-strand fiber reinforced polyester resin and an amazing solar activated catalyst. There is no mixing required, just use it straight from the tube. It cures in 3 minutes (even at temperatures of -20°F)

  13. nice fix but… this is the kind of repair you do if you are on vacation, its fast and you can go back to the waves again. i used to do this. now i know that afther you do this you should use 04oz or 06oz fiber glass cloth to cover the repair.

  14. Hi Sobacoz,
    Here is a link to Solarez: solarez.com/contact.html
    Thanks for your interest.

  15. thanks, great video! 😀

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